Selling an Outer Banks property can be different than selling an inland property. This page has a few OBX Selling FAQs. We’d be happy to answer any questions you have about buying or selling real estate here.
How should I prepare my property for sale?
What is the Residential Property Disclosure?
Where should an agent market my property?
How should a property be priced?
What should I tell my agent about my selling motivation?
What characteristics should I look for in an agent?
How should I prepare my property for sale?
First impressions are critical for prospective buyers. Many times having the property clean and well maintained can result in a faster sale at a higher sales price. Reducing clutter and a fresh coat of paint or stain may make all the difference. Scott Team Realty agents can recommend which improvements are necessary to successfully compete against other properties currently for sale. It is a good idea to talk with us prior to making improvements. There may be some areas that are critical to today’s buyers that you may not see right away.Back to top
What is the Residential Property Disclosure?
Where should an agent market my property?

In the past, home ads in printed publications was the most common way real estate companies marketed Outer Banks real estate. This is not as important as it used to be because buyers today have smart phones and can access details about the property no matter where they are. Photos and descriptions of property are more important than they ever have been. Furthermore, the agent must know how to get that information out to the places where buyers search. Additionally, your agent should be able to focus their marketing on those folks who are most likely to purchase your property. Social media also plays a larger role exposing a property now. Most buyers today are represented by a buyer agent not associated with the listing agent’s firm. Therefore, it’s important for an agent to have a plan to expose the property to other Outer Banks Realtors. In today’s market placing a sign in the yard, putting the property in the MLS system and placing an advertisement in a magazine may not be enough. Back to top
How should a property be priced?
What should I tell my agent about my selling motivation?
What characteristics should I look for in an agent?
Agent Characteristics
• High level of energy: Selecting an agent with a high level of energy will usually result in the agent completing the tasks necessary to properly market the property.
• Market specialization: Your agent should specialize in your area. Typically this agent will know a greater number of buyers that are interested in property similar to yours. Also, they will have a high level of pricing expertise in your area. This agent should be an expert on the positive and negative selling features of your property compared to neighbors.
• Empathy: You need an agent who can see things from your point of view as well as the point of view of potential buyers. Seeing your point of view helps the agent best meet your needs and understanding buyers wants and needs helps the agent show a buyer how your property meets those needs.
• Networking skills: Agents and buyers will work with people they know and like. A listing agent that is well respected and a good communicator will give the seller an extra edge.
• Experience: Regardless of the market, it helps to hire an agent with a high level of experience. In weak market, you will need an agent to market the property effectively and in a strong market you need a skillful agent to handle the nuances of multiple offers.
• Good communicator: You need an agent who can verbalize what’s going on in the current market and who is not hesitant to provide you with the facts regardless if they are good or bad. Having the all the facts, figures and information is critical in making the best decisions.