June is a great time to be on the Outer Banks. Most years the summer weather arrives in the first week or two of the month. June has mostly good weather and the wind does not blow as hard as earlier and later in the year. It’s also the kickoff for the busiest time of year. Just about all places where vacationers can stay are occupied for a large portion of the month. It’s great to see these folks enjoying themselves! There are best times of year for different Outer Banks actiivities. Here are three things that are on our Outer Banks Bucketlist for June.
Watch the Lost Colony Drama
You may have learned about the history of the Lost Colony in school. This was the first European settlement in the New World. This settlement was on the Outer Banks. It failed and no one knows for sure what happened to the settlers. The Lost Colony Drama play was first performed on Roanoke Island in 1937 and still runs today. Not only is the play professionally produced and directed, but also many of the actors have gone on to perform on Broadway, movies and television. Attending this outdoor drama is a great way to spend a June evening. Check out times and more information here.
Kayak in Kitty Hawk Woods

There are thousands of acres of pristine martime forest and salt marsh in Kitty Hawk. In fact you can paddle the entire length of Kitty Hawk north to south if you desire. Spring and early June are the better times to paddle this area. It depends upon the year, but most years the biting flies and mosquitos are bearable until about mid-June. The water is also warm enough so a wetsuit is not needed. It’s still a good time to go after that but don’t forget your bug spray.
In this maritime forest you’ll have the opportunity to see all all kinds of native wildlife. A huge variety of birds including osprey, heron and bald eagles have been seen on these trips. If you’re lucky you might spot some more nocturnal creatures like possum and raccoon. Otters and beavers also reside in these areas. There’s also abundant reptiles and amphibians to see. If you have your own kayak you can put in at the public ramp off Bob Perry Road or hire a guide and rent a kayak near the Wright Memorial Bridge.
Watch the fleet come in
Another one of the world class sports available on the Outer Banks is offshore fishing. The Outer Banks has numerous marinas where offshore fishing trips are offered by local charter boat captains. Each afternoon, these boats return with their catches. Outer Banks charter boat captains are well known around the world as among the best at what they do. It’s common to see the mates unload hundreds of pounds of tasty mahi, tuna and wahoo from these boats. You’ll also see lots of smiling faces of the people who experienced the Gulf Stream.
Pick a day to where the wind is not blowing too hard, so the majority of the boats go out. If the fishing is really good, these boats start coming in after 2 PM and continue coming in for at least a few hours. Three marinas where you can watch the fleet come in are Oregon Inlet, Pirate’s Cove and Hatteras Marina.
If you love the Outer Banks then you’ll probably be here sometime in the summer. This Outer Banks Bucketlist for June is a few of the things you may wan to consider doing while here on the beach.
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