Years ago, I was talking with a client about how things were changing on the Outer Banks. He was reminising about how he loved the way things used to be. He then said "That's why the Lord only gives us four score." Change is going to happen here weather we like it or not. The year 2023 is looking like the year of new businesses and old friends expanding. By our count there are five major projects moving forward at this time. Most, if not all of them should be opening in the next three to … Continue reading...
Dare County 2020 Tax Revaluation
This past Thursday I received my Dare County Tax Revaluation in the mail. By Noon on Friday I had received numerous calls or visits from OBX property owners wanting to know if this is really what their house is worth. This post is a little bit about this new revaluation. Hopefully it will help you in your decision about what to do next.What is a revaluation? The state requires that counties revalue property values at least once every eight years. Dare County decided to complete their … Continue reading...